Growing God's Way PART I
Psalm 92:12-15
The Righteous Must Flourish
This psalm gives a contrast between the righteous and the wicked.
Both are given symbols by which we can identify them.
The wicked are compared to the grass of the field. V7
Certainly the wicked do grow in knowledge and in wisdom after a fashion, but like the flower of the grass, they will wither and fade.
The object of today's sermon and those that will follow in this series is to challenge you to analyze your growth.
Are you growing spiritually?
Are you growing God's way?
Before you answer that with the first thoughts that come to mind, you should know that there are many that appear to be growing spiritually, who have God on their lips constantly, but they do not have Him in their hearts.
It has become a way of life, but never a motivation for life.
Jesus gave a parable about the wheat and the tares.
Tares are weeds that are very similar to wheat in appearance.
He said that it was very difficult to tell the difference between the two, but in the last day God would separate them.
Both are growing and appear similar, but only one is growing God's way.
Are you growing your way or God's way?
Our text gives us some powerful pointers on how the righteous must grow.
The key word that is repeated in our text is the word "flourish."
It means "to grow well or luxuriantly, to thrive."
The Hebrew word translated "flourish" is "parach."
It means "to bloom and spread."
God does not want you to just increase in the size of your spiritual schemata.
He wants you to bloom and spread, to thrive.
Out text gives us some beautiful pictures and likenesses of how, where, when, and why the righteous must flourish.
This morning I would challenge you to that end.
Don't just grow, Flourish!
See our text:
1.) How they Flourish V12
> Like the Palm Tree
- Which stands in both inclimate and favorable weather.
- Which grows slowly but steadily all of its life.
- Which bears useful fruit.
> Like the Cedar Tree
- Which is strong and useful.
- Which is an evergreen, always green.
- Which is long lasting and stable.
2.) Where they Flourish V13
> They are planted permanently in the House of the LORD.
- Church is not a temporary phase for them.
- Church is a place they place their roots and decide to stay.
> They Flourish in the courts of God.
- Their greatest show of fruit is around God's people.
- They understand the need to be around God's people.
3.) When they Flourish V14
> All of their lives.
- not taking "time out"
> Even in old age.
- Utilizing the benefits of maturity and wisdom.
> Overflowing with fruit.
- Being a blessing to all around them.
4.) Why they Flourish V15
> To show the righteousness of God.
- They recognize they are reflections of God on earth.
> To show the purity and consistency of God.
- They recognize that they reflect god's character to man.
Psalm 92:12-15
The Righteous Must Flourish
This psalm gives a contrast between the righteous and the wicked.
Both are given symbols by which we can identify them.
The wicked are compared to the grass of the field. V7
Certainly the wicked do grow in knowledge and in wisdom after a fashion, but like the flower of the grass, they will wither and fade.
The object of today's sermon and those that will follow in this series is to challenge you to analyze your growth.
Are you growing spiritually?
Are you growing God's way?
Before you answer that with the first thoughts that come to mind, you should know that there are many that appear to be growing spiritually, who have God on their lips constantly, but they do not have Him in their hearts.
It has become a way of life, but never a motivation for life.
Jesus gave a parable about the wheat and the tares.
Tares are weeds that are very similar to wheat in appearance.
He said that it was very difficult to tell the difference between the two, but in the last day God would separate them.
Both are growing and appear similar, but only one is growing God's way.
Are you growing your way or God's way?
Our text gives us some powerful pointers on how the righteous must grow.
The key word that is repeated in our text is the word "flourish."
It means "to grow well or luxuriantly, to thrive."
The Hebrew word translated "flourish" is "parach."
It means "to bloom and spread."
God does not want you to just increase in the size of your spiritual schemata.
He wants you to bloom and spread, to thrive.
Out text gives us some beautiful pictures and likenesses of how, where, when, and why the righteous must flourish.
This morning I would challenge you to that end.
Don't just grow, Flourish!
See our text:
1.) How they Flourish V12
> Like the Palm Tree

- Which stands in both inclimate and favorable weather.

- Which grows slowly but steadily all of its life.
- Which bears useful fruit.
> Like the Cedar Tree
- Which is strong and useful.
- Which is an evergreen, always green.
- Which is long lasting and stable.
2.) Where they Flourish V13
> They are planted permanently in the House of the LORD.
- Church is not a temporary phase for them.
- Church is a place they place their roots and decide to stay.
> They Flourish in the courts of God.
- Their greatest show of fruit is around God's people.
- They understand the need to be around God's people.
3.) When they Flourish V14
> All of their lives.
- not taking "time out"
> Even in old age.
- Utilizing the benefits of maturity and wisdom.
> Overflowing with fruit.
- Being a blessing to all around them.
4.) Why they Flourish V15
> To show the righteousness of God.
- They recognize they are reflections of God on earth.
> To show the purity and consistency of God.
- They recognize that they reflect god's character to man.
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